Days 26 & 27 of 30!

My Dear WordPress Friends!

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and patience with me! The joyful interactions that have been happening on this site have served to keep me afloat during what has proven to be quite an extreme challenge for me. You’ve made it possible, and for that I am grateful!

Please take a couple of minutes to check out this AMAZINGLY quirky, inspiring & POETIC video I found on YouTube (link below) to accompany my little ditty on Cuttlefish! You won’t be sorry!



Broken (Day 26)

Your kindergartener learned
a new trick on the monkey bars

Cuttlefish (Day 27)

the way you negotiate the world
by climbing into platonic forms
to become the myriad     ideal bodies
of the sea floor…

Continue reading both pieces (& catch up on Days 1-25) here!